Okay, maybe not. A quick search on A Novel Challenge showed me a few others who may have had this same idea. Thus, I'm now joining the 2011 Page to Screen Reading Challenge hosted by Reading Extensively because even if I don't get my in-real-life book club going, at least I'll have some pals to read with online.
This challenge is fairly simple. Read at least five books-to-movies. I like it.
Here's what's on my to-read and to-watch list so far:
I Am Number Four, movie released February 18, 2011
Update: YES, I read this! But I still haven't seen the movie...
Beastly (re-read), movie released March 4, 2011
Update: No, I didn't re-read it. But I did just see the movie! And I really liked it, even though it strayed from the book a bit.
Jane Eyre (re-read), movie released March 11, 2011
Update: Haven't re-read or seen it. Maybe over the summer...
Atlas Shrugged, movie released April 15, 2011
Update: Did this movie even come out? No, I didn't read it or see it. Yeesh...
Water for Elephants, movie released April 22, 2011
Update: Yes, I read it! I actually read this one in Italy and was going to see the movie in Italian... except that the theatre was closed for the summer. Hmmph! So no, I haven't seen it yet.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (re-read), movie released July 15, 2011
Update: No, I didn't re-read it. Though I really should have because I saw the movie and was less than impressed. Am I the only one who is glad that it's over?
The Help (re-read), movie released August 12, 2011
Update: Didn't re-read it and still haven't seen it. I guess I watch less movies than I thought!
The Invention of Hugo Cabret, movie released November 23, 2011
Update: I'm currently reading this one and hope to see the movie this month.